
Edits, RSS and You

(As excised from the previous post.)

Edit: Do those of you subscribing, all three of you, get repeated notices for posts, one for every time I edit them? If so, I'd best type each of them a couple of days ahead, for good measure.

Edit 2: No, seriously, I feel very guilty now, if I'm making your readers go berserk. Or worse yet, if they don't update, and you end up reading the unedited versions of the posts. Hm. Distressing.

Edit 3: Firstly, I shrunk the edits. Secondly, I think I've gotten the hang of the spacing in this interface, at last. Significantly fewer edits predicted, regardless of what's going on in your readers.

Edit 4: The edits won't shrink, so I'm moving them to a different post.


  1. I only get one post, probably the one my reader picks up when refreshing the feeds. So any edits done by then appear on the thing. But I usually click on the link to your blog anyway.

  2. Fair enough. Embarrassing typos aside (*coughs*Night*coughs*), it should be less hectic in the editing department in the future.

    I'm firing them all, that ought to show them!
