
A salute to the readership.

Now that I've gotten the blog started and welcomed you to it, I think an important next post before starting to fulfill the rest of its mission statement should concern who "you" might be, and why that matters.

You see, there are a lot of blogs out there dealing with each of those subjects that I state below the title as relevant to The Prodigal Sorcerer: commentary, music, gaming, and especially personal blogs abound, in our Web 2.0. Many of these are outstanding.

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Examples of outstanding blogs on:
b) gaming.

- End of advertisement. -

Therefore, even notwithstanding the fact that a lot of the best blogs are the work of professionals in their respective fields (which I am not), a blog split between no less than four general topics is in no way intended, as far as I am concerned, to compete with their like.

This blog is not intended to be a primary source of information on music, gaming and current events, nor of erudite analyses on topics like the completion of Mahler's 10th, the death of the adventure game genre, global warming, the U.S. general elections, or world peace.

This is a blog addressed to people interested in one or more of its topics, relatively informed in them, and maybe interested in passing some of their time reading about their favourite subjects outside the formal context of a more "professional" digest.

Hence, those hoping to use this blog as a substitute to your favourite blog about s (s being any of the Prodigal Sorcerer's topics)...

Well, you may leave now. Thank you for your interest.

Those still here, and of heteroclite enough persuasions to consider the entire blog - minus these personal posts, of course - relevant to their interests, I certainly salute for their daring.

And those who might simply be reading this blog because they either like part of its mismatched collection of topics or are just killing time, I still salute, for being my audience.

Let me thus conclude in that as a result of my target group, I will not be exhaustive on those issues I bring up here, or assume that you have not read about them elsewhere. But I will do my best to offer at the very least a "whimsically updated" entertaining medley of news and commentary on the full array of my topics, and maybe even hope to get a few of you, my at-the-moment-still-imaginary audience, interested in more of them than you were when you first came here.

That, in a (somewhat large) nutshell, is The Prodigal Sorcerer's aim.

End of rant.

(You might be seeing this last phrase a lot, here, I warn you.)

Edit: I often edit my posts (in forums or elsewhere) right after I make them, to improve their formatting once I've seen how they display on the blog/forum itself. So if you see a post change slightly, that would be the reason. Unless otherwise noted, the content stays the same.


The Prodigal Sorcerer

Alright, I'll keep this layout for now, and see how it goes.

So, welcome to The Prodigal Sorcerer! Here, I hope to discuss a few things, rant about a few more, possibly recommend some music, and even talk about gaming every once in a while...

All in all, this will be a whimsically-updated compendium of either semi-disguised, or downright-in-your-face rants, something which I ask your tolerance for (the irregularity of my posts, that is).

And on a more serious note, please enjoy yourselves. Feel free to leave comments, I'll only delete very obvious spam: speak your mind!

(For instance, you may surely accuse me of lifting the blog's name from this: which I did. But given my favourite old monicker, "TheSilverSage", I thought it was appropriate. Is it? Discuss. Or not.)



This a test post, to better configure the layout. Test, test!